Compelling Content for Small Businesses

Helping Small Businesses Create Compelling Content

“Discover how to talk and write about what you do
so people respond with “WOW!” instead of “Huh?

Want to increase sales? Bring in more clients?

Imagine it’s a Monday … a beautiful Spring Day…

You sit down to check the response of an email you sent out last Friday … and see that open rates have measurably increased compared to emails you’ve sent out before. And so have the click-through rates!

And sure enough, prospective clients start calling you to talk more about what you do. And tell you that the email, plus the content they read on your website, are the reasons they’re calling.

The calls immediately take on a whole new level of connection than before. First, they’re already excited about what you do because of the content they’ve read in your email and website.

And, on your side, you can clearly articulate your mission and value.

The conversations flow naturally and easily toward turning those prospective customers into fans.

Want to stand out from the competition?

For the rest of the week, you go ahead and let your competitors shout out about how great they are.

That doesn’t bother you at all. Because you know that your marketing content is creating authentic connections with your audience ― which is exactly what they’re naturally attracted to.

You know that no one else out there is speaking directly to your audience the way you do.

Every marketing piece you create clearly conveys the unique way you can take them from where they are (mired in their problems) to where they want to be (finally free from those worries).

Come find the words that attract more people … keep them engaged … and convert more of them to customers

The week passes, and you head into the weekend with proof positive that your marketing efforts are conveying what you do in a way that makes people lean in and want to learn more.

You’re clearly articulating your mission, vision, and value ― in a way that keeps people engaged … and inspires them to say YES!

Let’s leverage The HERO Method
to your advantage​...

The fact is, most small businesses don’t know how to write and talk about what they do in a way that attracts perfect prospects … and easily converts them to customers.

But that’s exactly what The HERO Method has proven to do.

Find out how quick and easy it can be to start using content that attracts and converts more prospects to customers.

Whether you choose …


… you can soon be spending less money on marketing, while bringing in more clients. How? Because we will help you find the words that get attention, set you apart, and attract more clients. And, you will be using those words to create authentic, human-to-human connections with your audience through your new, Compelling Content … content that our coaching, consulting, and writing services have helped you create.


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